lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Awakening to evolution

Tal vez le estoy poniendo, pero el andar a ritmo de bicicleta para mi tiene que ver con una sensación, un ritmo y finalmente un estado de conciencia.
Me gustó este párrafo del místico norteamericano Andrew Cohen, refiriéndose al cambio de conciencia como parte de la evolución del hombre.
Súbase a su bicicleta e ilumínese!!!

At the highest level, the evolutionary impulse is experienced as the spiritual impulse, the mysterious compulsion to become more conscious. Sometimes we feel this as an inexplicable yearning, a reaching toward perfection. At other times, it's a nagging and relentless existential discomfort, a sense that I mustfind a way to wake up, to evolve, to liberate my heart and enlighten my mind. This spiritual longing, this ecstatic urge to become more conscious, is the most profound expression of that initial cosmic explosion.Your own spiritual yearning is not separate from the big bang itself.

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